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lördag 6 februari 2010

svenskt vintage porslin / swedish vintage china

åååååhhh vilka fina sillburkar av marianne westman, rörstrand , hittade först den ena, vore fint med 3, det blir nog svårt sa försäljaren , inom loppet av en kvart hade vi hittat den andra, när skall den 3: e dyka upp ?
found these on a flea market , first one, herring, made by marianne westman at rörstrand in the 60´s, would like to have three of them, that´s gonna be hard the seller said, they are very rare, within in 15 minutes we had found the second one, now l want the third !

och till den lila samlingen, 4 djupa i toppskick, dessa ska vi äta pasta ur i vårt kommande "slott" i como, eller soppa, måndagssoppa...
also found 4 deep plates to our purple collection, that we are saving for our "castle" at lake como...
we are starting with the plates, eventually the "castle" will appear..

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